Who is this guy?

OK, you’ve seen my philosophy and my work. Let’s answer the most important question – am I the kind of person you’d actually want to have around? Here are some fun facts about me that might help you decide:

  • I’m a dog person, but I hold nothing against cat people.

  • I think that the least helpful response to any situation is panic.

  • I think the next least helpful response is indecision.

  • I am a firm believer that pie is superior to cake.

  • I have worked at creative agencies ranging from 12 to over 1000 employees.

  • I sometimes like to cook, but I always like to sing when I cook.

  • If you ask me when work will be finished, I will ask you when it’s needed.

  • Halloween is my favorite holiday and yes, I like candy corn.

  • I think the worst “best practice” is to follow the same best practices as everyone else.

  • I have no tattoos, but only because I’d constantly critique them.


Agencies I’ve worked with:

  • Hill Holliday

  • Connelly Partners

  • Arnold Worldwide

  • Digitas

  • Forge Worldwide

  • A bunch more as a freelancer

Non-agencies I’ve worked with:

  • Bluehost

  • Asics

  • N-able

  • More as a freelancer here, too